Address: Генерала Милојка Лешјанина 39, 18000 Nis Serbia

Address: Blv. Cara Konstantina, 18000 Nis, Serbia
On-street parking is divided into three hourly zones, limited to a maximum stay.
Parking charges in zones apply Monday to Friday, 07.00 till 21.00; Saturday 07.00. till 14.00. Parking on Sunday is free.
Maximum stay: 1 (one) hour
* SMS to 9180 or Parking card
Price for 1 (one) hour is 90 RSD
No option for whole day parking.
Maximum stay: 2 (two) hours
* SMS to 9181 or Parking card
Price: 1st hour 60 RSD, 2nd hour 180 RSD
SMS to 9184 - Until the end of the day 600 RSD
Maximum stay: 3 (three) hours
* SMS to 9182 or Parking card
Price for 1 (one) hour is 45 RSD
SMS to 9185 - Until the end of the day 450 RSD
On-street parking payment options.
* Payment via SMS is available only from mobile networks from Serbia!
"Parking servis" - Niš, in cooperation with Belgrade's Parking service, offers users an application that enables quick, simple and secure payment for parking by sending an SMS message, payment card or funds deposited in the application itself. The application can be used to pay for parking in Niš and Belgrade and can be used for multiple vehicles by simply entering the license plates.
Text should contain only registration plate (no space between the numbers or letters) and is sent to one of the following numbers: 9180,9181,9182,9184,9185
Price in the car parks is calculated by the commenced hour. Parking is available 24/7 and there is no time limit.
Price: 100 RSD | Entereance: from Strahinjica Bana street
Price: 50 RSD | Entereance: from Vojvode Tankosica street
Price: 70 RSD | Entereance: from Svetozara Markovica street
Price: 50 RSD | Entereance: from Zetska street